We have made it a job to ourselves with voxelwerk to offer services all around 3D-printing. We pursue this aim with passion, thirst for knowledge, precision and a lot of joy.
But what does voxelwerk exactly mean? voxelwerk consists of both the nouns "voxel" and "work". A "Voxel" is a single point in the three-dimensional space. He fulfils 1 pixel in the two-dimensional space. It concerns the smallest unit in the 3D-printing comparably with an atom or its components. A huge number of these image points form together a 3D-object.
The idea "Work" expresses something resulted in multiple regard. A book can just be a work like tools, an art object or the place itself at which something originates. "Work" describes, primarily, something craft, hand-made and in the broader sense also a unique creation. Both ideas describe together exactly what we do. In this sense we hope you are also convinced of our ideas and our conversion strength.
The 3D-printing is an additive production engineering. In contrast to traditional manufacturing methods like milling etc. the material is separate and not outworn added. I begin with an empty construction space and add the required material for the 3D-sculpture during the printing. Because you hardly produce waste, the 3D-printing is a rather environmentally friendly technology. However, some 3D-printing methods also work with more material which is required for the printing itself. This material is used as a prop in the production process. With these technologies the excessive material can be mostly collected after the production process and be given back again. You really only use what is necessary for the printing of the 3D-objects.
We pay attention that our website becomes CO2 neutrally. So we host our website with MITTWALD.
In our enterprise, it is important to us that our employees feel very well and work with us as a motivated team. Besides, we pursue the principle of leadership going along with values. This means that we try to fulfil the values of our employees to bring the enterprise in harmony with them and thus creates an effectual and pleasant working atmosphere. Besides, level hierarchy is also a component, like open words and an open ear. We listen to the ideas of our employees with pleasure, discuss them and integrate them into the daily work.
Besides, by the development of the software we place emphasis on agile methods which are borrowed of SCRUM
The voxelwerk founder's team consists of Matthias Heppke and Mayte Stupperich.
Matthias Heppke is a Dipl. engineer and has a 12 years management experience as a hired establishment leader in the media technology branch. He is a cofounder of the raumHOCH GmbH (communication agency for spatial brand staging in fair construction and architecture). Besides he brings long-standing leadership know-how and distribution know-how and also a lot of experience from the event branch, architecture branch, fair construction branch and advertising branch.
Mayte Stupperich is a Dipl.-economic information scientist and has already worked in the product management of a leading german software enterprise study-additional. Later she was hired or free consultant and trainer in the field Project of Management, Change a management and leadership models for international customers (DAX level) in employment.She is a cofounder of the travelling atlas publishing company Wanderatlas Verlag GmbH (location based service for Outdoor information).
Matthias Heppke and Mayte Stupperich already work together for two years in different customer projects among other things: for the German post and RWE. Both deal since summer, 2012 intensely with 3D Printing and have made in the beginning of 2013 the decision to enter the 3D-market and found an own enterprise with voxelwerk
Aktuell suchen wir einen Praktikanten und einen Werkstudenten für den Bereich Social-Media (Online-Marketing) in Teilzeit. Bewerbungen bitte an info(at)voxelwerk.de.
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Unser Angebot:
Hinweise zur Bewerbung:
Beginn: ab sofort
Stellen: 2 (1 x Praktikum, 1 x Werkstudent)
Dauer: mindestens 3 Monate bzw. unbefristet
voxelwerk GmbH | Goerzallee 299 (im Goerzwerk) | 14167 Berlin | Germany
Fon +49 30 120743090 | Email: info(at)voxelwerk.de